Minimal Undermining Suspension Technique (MUST): Combined Eyebrow and Mid-face Lift via Temporal Access Minimal Undermining Suspension Technique (MUST): Combined Eyebrow and Mid-face Lift via Temporal Access Alessandro Gualdi 1 2, Janos Cambiaso-Daniel 3, Jonatann Gatti 2, Dario Bertossi 4, Giorgio Pietramaggiori 5, Saja S Scherer 5, Paul Wurzer 6, David B Lumenta 6Affiliations collapse Affiliations 1Dental School, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Via Olgettina Milano 58, 20132, Milan, Italy. 2Surgical Medical Group, Piazzale Biancamano 2/2, 20121, Milan, Italy. 3Division of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery, […]
Minimal Undermining Suspension Technique (MUST): Combined Eyebrow and Mid-face Lift via Temporal Access Download citationCopy linkCitations (3)References (18) Abstract Background Less downtime following esthetic interventions leads to the popularity of injectable solutions for facial rejuvenation treatments. Surgical interventions for esthetic purposes are usually associated with higher complication rates and longer recovery times when compared to less invasive treatments. Here we present for the first time a minimally […]
Must Lift
L’estetica del volto è stata oggetto di attenzioni crescenti negli ultimi anni. Il make-up, i trattamenti dermo-estetici, la medicina estetica e la chirur-gia estetica sono andati quindi evolvendosi e proponendo nuove tecniche e nuovi materiali. Malgrado circolino alcune informazioni errate a riguardo, la chirurgia estetica del volto è andata crescendo in questi anni sia […]